Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are YOU doing it?

Green campaigns are gaining momentum in NUS. Now our campus printers print double-sided print-outs by default and our air-conditioners are set to a default energy-saving temperature of 25oC, thanks to the campaigns by NUS Campus Sustainability and NUS Students Against Violation of the Earth (SAVE).

However, are these campaigns bringing any effects on the actual daily life of the students? Do the students reduce their frequency in taking away food? Or reuse the blank side of every paper before bringing it to the recycle bin? If not much effect has been brought on, what are the obstacles in cultivating these ‘green’ habits?

To understand the views and actions of NUS students, a survey is crucial to collect the information. NUS students are focused as the subjects in this study, rather than the general public of Singapore. This is because they represent a group of people with many years of academic education and they will soon move in to society after graduation.

Problem statement
The objective of this research study is to determine how effective the green campaigns are in NUS on improving the ‘green’ habits of NUS students.

Purpose statement
The objective of this report is to identify the opportunities and challenges on establishing ‘green’ habits in NUS students, so that more effective actions can be taken by the campaign leaders.

Research question
1. Are NUS students aware of the green campaigns both in campus and outside campus?
2. Are there any changes in habits on recycling after knowing these campaigns? Why?

Sample questions
1. What are the green campaigns in NUS that you are aware of?
2. From where did you get to know these campaigns?
3. After coming in contact with these campaigns, how often do you bring your own food container when ordering for a take-away?


YILIN said...

Dear Sea Ming

In my opinion, there is some likeness between your potential research topic and mine. I feel that it is worthy to question if the majority really inculcates the values promoted by the green movement. Are they practising what has been taught to them? Even if they are, are they doing so, because they WANT to or are they doing so, just because they HAVE to.

Your idea of concentrating your study on NUS students should also help you focus and make your study a feasbile and interesting one!

Good luck!

Sharon said...

You have a clearly written post. Your research area is similar to mine too, but not quite so no worries about potential overlaps.

A possible problem in surveys is: how honest are the respondents? Will they really do what they claim they will do? Or are they just giving 'model answers'? How to address this problem?

Tan Zhenyun said...

Great Job, Sea Ming. =)

I like the part especially in which you brought out the reason why you chose NUS students as your subjects. This is something that many of us had missed out in our posts.

Thanks for bringing them out!

Brad Blackstone said...

This is a clear and concise response to the post assignment. You have covered all the major elements of your proposed research topic in a fine manner. Thanks for your effort, Seaming!